
With many regular donors delaying giving to take final summer vacations and prepare for school to start, the American Red Cross has an emergency need for blood and platelet donations to help end a summer blood shortage. While thousands of donors have rolled up a sleeve this summer, blood and...
Pinconning High School’s travel club, Students Active in Education (SAE), sponsored an adventure packed trip to Costa Rica on June 13 to June 21. Teachers Mrs. Emily Leffingwell and Mrs. Michelle Neumeyer chaperoned a trip of fifteen Pinconning students and five parents. Students had been...
Before the school year kicks into high gear, it’s important to give yourself the tools needed for academic success and maximum organization. Here are five ideas to set up the perfect workstation: 1. Clear up clutter. First, determine how you use items. If paperwork is referenced multiple times a...
Michigan is an important state for supporting the summer breeding population of monarchs. Here is an update on what we do and don’t know about increasing egg laying and survival. Throughout southern Michigan common milkweed emerges and adult monarch butterflies have arrived. At the start of this...


The Pinconning Journal

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PO Box 626
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