
The Pinconning Area Schools Board held their December meeting on Monday evening. After the opening of the meeting, Superintendent Mike Vieau reported to the Board. Holiday Events have begun and will continue until the break begins. The State has mandated that the superintendent and staff...
The Northern Bay Ambulance (NBA) Board held their scheduled bi-monthly meeting last Tuesday evening at the Pinconning City Hall. Before approval of the Agenda, there were questions about and discussion about specific line items in the budget being overspent. The budget will need to be amended to...
Local residents driving past Able Safe may have noticed the additional signage of More of Michigan and wondered where the new business was located, based on having seen the facility full to the bursting with safes in the past. Karry Osier, owner of Able Safe, knew a number of local people who ran...
Kids, send your letter of 50 words or less to Santa at the Pinconning Journal, letting him know your Christmas wishes. The Journal will print selected letters with a photo. Letters may be dropped of at the office, emailed to, faxed to 989-879-5529, mailed to P.O. Box 626...
The Pinconning Cub Scout Pack 3139 invites everyone to their first Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser to be held on Sunday, January 5, 2020. The Breakfast will be held at the American Legion John K. Fowler Post 239, 557 N. Garfield Rd., Linwood, from 9 am to 2 pm. All proceeds support the pack outings,...
The Standish-based East Shore Wind Symphony will ring in the holidays with a festive concert on Saturday, December 14, 7:00 p.m. in the Standish-Sterling Central High School Performing Arts Center, located at 2401 Grove Road in Standish. Doug Burtch, the group’s artistic and music director stated...


The Pinconning Journal

110 E. 3rd St.
PO Box 626
Pinconning, MI 48650

Office Number: 989-879-3811
Regular Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm,
Friday Closed

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