Notice of Dissolution - Johnson's Farm Co. - 2/7/24
NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF JOHNSON’S FARM CO. TAKE NOTICE that JOHNSON’S FARM CO., a Michigan corporation, whose registered office is located at 1132 Coggins Rd., Pinconning, Michigan, has been dissolved pursuant to the Michigan Business Corporation Act. All persons who are creditors of such Corporation shall file their claims in writing with the Corporation, at the Law Office of Kosta D. Povich, Braun Kendrick Finkbeiner P.L.C., 4301 Fashion Square Boulevard, Saginaw, Michigan 48603. Copies of all documents upon which a claim is founded must be attached to the claim. A claim against the corporation will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce the claim is commenced within one year after the publication date of this notice. This Notice is published pursuant to Section 842a of the Michigan Business Corporation Act. Dated: February 7, 2024. JOHNSON’S FARM CO., s:/ KOSTA D. POVICH, By: Kosta D. Povich, Attorney for the Corporation. 6-1